Varieties of Roses That You and Your Landscaping Contractor Can Choose From

A Rosy Chic Garden

One of the most traditional and enduring garden plants is the rose. Each type of rose has its distinct traits and qualities. While some roses are very easy to manage and have cane-like meandering stems, others have stunning continuous blooms that keep a garden looking lovely from spring through October. Your landscaping contractor can help you choose the best type of roses for your landscape. Continue reading to learn more about these roses.

Grandiflora Roses

Grandiflora roses are a class of hybrid tea and floribunda roses that were separated into several categories in the last century. They combine the elegant flowers of hybrid teas with the Floribundas’ recurrent growth cycle. Large, beautiful flowers are produced on long stalks by Grandiflora roses, either singly or in clusters of three to five blooms.

Miniature Roses

Compared to hybrid tea roses, miniature roses are much smaller. They are tough, multipurpose plants with tiny stems, leaves, and flowers. Numerous hues, such as pink, orange, white, and yellow, are available in miniatures. For a period of two to three weeks, the majority of miniature roses bloom continually. Due to their ability to thrive in containers and little stature (between six and 18 inches), they are frequently promoted and offered for sale as houseplants. Furthermore, they are effective in little garden spaces and on narrow borders.

Shrub Roses

Several different roses fall under the category of shrub roses. Many combine elements from both Old Garden Roses and Modern Roses since they’re hybrids. In general, they’re tough, low-maintenance plants. There are various types of bloom styles, including solitary, cabbage-like, and everything in between. The majority of shrub roses have recurrent blooms, and they normally grow gracefully and spread readily.

Centifolia Roses

As a result of their densely packed flowers and numerous thin, overlapping petals that resemble the head of cabbage, centifolia roses are also known as cabbage roses. In honor of the region of France where they were once produced, they may also be known as Provence roses. The blossoms’ hues range from white to pink, and because of their size, they frequently droop or nod.

If you are looking for a Draper, UT based landscaping contractor, please call Ground Pursuits first at (385) 273-4639 today to make an appointment.

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